Aliveness animating me
Sorrows and sadnesses, joys and pains
Needing to express, be set free.
The clouds and waves rise in my chest
My insides do somersaults
My voice is birthing forth from my heart
I’m quaking and tremoring with faults.
I cannot sit alone and sing
That connection’s already been made
I need to sureender into the world
And let myself be played.
The Omniverse is calling through me
With harvested lyrics and sounds
Discovering itself fresh and magically
Urging to reach out of bounds.
Meaning to pour out and into the world
To massage and prize into souls
This expelling expression deep from my depths
Is what love me, makes me feel whole.
My body, my guide, she readies for this
Despite all disturbance inside
She’s learning that being incredibly seen
Is the safest place she can’t hide.