‘We Are The Universe’ – An Original Song by Alexa Allen
This song is about evolution.
Back in 2011 I was studying on an online course with visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard. The course was called A.C.E – Agents of Conscious Evolution.
We were learning about how to invite in the new paradigm at the end of 2012.
We were learning about how consciousness is shifting and becoming conscious of itself.
We are shifting from ‘Homo Sapien’ = ‘Man Who Knows‘, to ‘Homo Sapien Sapien‘ (a.k.a Homo Universalis) ‘Man Who Knows He Knows‘.
Check out my journal then! That’s me learning about evolution!
I rarely pick up my guitar and usually only do so to write and this was one of those times. This song ‘We Are The Universe‘ is what came forth from these studies x enjoy!